The Allegheny County Airport Authority Board of Directors on Friday approved $34.3 million in amendments and changes related to the construction of the new terminal at Pittsburgh International Airport, which is nearing completion and will open later this year. The increases went to more than two dozen companies, including $3.9 million added to a $87.7 million contract with Jacobs Project Management Corp. to extend the contract term through March 31, 2026, and $3.6 million to extend a contract with the Paslay Group over consultancy services. An amendment was approved to add $4.7 million to PJ Dick/Hunt for construction management services through April 30, 2026.

One change order that decreased a contract was also approved, the subtraction of $2.3 million from a $3.3 million contract with Michael Facchiano Contracting Inc. for part of the Multi-Modal Complex. The board’s Operations and Facilities Committee approved the changes during a meeting earlier in the day. The full board’s vote was unanimous with one abstention for one of the line items. The amendments and changes to the $1.5 billion project, which is not funded by taxpayers, is coming from existing contingency funds, the airport authority said. It has also received millions in state and federal funding.

Read more at Pittsburgh Business Times.

Originally published: February 21, 2025